The Comparative Psychology Lab received a grant from the APDT Foundation to research Dogs using Computers!
Allison Kenawell received the Academic Research Fund Grant for the CEVE project
Nancy Strever received the Academic Research Fund Grant for the Multi-Access Puzzle Box project
Madeline Ketner will be pursuing her Masters in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare at The Royal Dick School of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, UK! Congratulations, Maddie!
Dr. Highfill received the Presidential Innovation Fund for the dog training project with student research lead Nancy Strever
Katie Willgohs will be pursuing her PhD at the Graduate Center, City University of New York! She will be studying cognitive and comparative psychology and focusing her research on elephant cognition and conservation in Dr. Plotnik's Comparative Cognition for Conservation Lab. Wow, Katie!!!
The Creative Canine Project was featured in Psychology Today!
Jenna Williams will be pursuing her MSc in Biological Sciences at the University of Manitoba under the direction of Dr. Jane Waterman. Congratulations, Jenna!
Madeline Ketner received the Presidential Innovation Fund to support her research at the Zoo Vienna. Congrats, Madeline!
Katie Willgohs was awarded the first ever Animal Studies Distinguished Student Award. This award is given to a graduating senior in recognition of their achievement and potential in the field of Animal Studies, and for their leadership, innovation, and commitment to the discipline. Read more about Katie's award here.
The Elephant Cooperation Study was featured on a recent episode of Nat Geo's Secrets of the Zoo show.
Katie Willgohs was selected to be a 2020 SBNCP Pipeline Scholar by the Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology, Division 6 of the American Psychological Association. She was chosen based on her performance in academic and research settings and her promising future. Well-deserved, Katie!
The Creative Canine project was featured in a news segment. Watch it here.
Katie Keck will be pursuing her MSc in Evolutionary and Comparative Psychology at St. Andrew's University in Scotland. We are so proud of you!
Prof. Highfill and the work of ECCPL was featured in a recent article in APA's Monitor. Read it here.
The Comparative Psychology Lab received a grant from the APDT Foundation to research Creativity in Canines! Katie Willgohs is the lead student researcher for this project.
Joy Vincent will be joining the Department of Psychology, Oakland University to pursue a PhD in Cognitive/Comparative Psychology. Congratulations to Joy!
Michele Chaky was recently awarded the coveted Sessions Endowed Scholarship for Psychology!
Kim Brubaker was quoted in a recent news story about Eckerd's Pet Life.
Kim Brubaker was awarded the 2018 Internship Award by the William G. McGarry Endowed Fund Committee. Each year, one student is awarded $1,000 to assist them with an unpaid local internship. Kim has been spending her summer interning with Croc Encounters, a family-owned sanctuary that provides forever homes to alligators and crocodiles that are considered nuisance animals. Way to go, Kim!
Joy Vincent was selected to be a 2018 SBNCP Pipeline Scholar by the Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology, Division 6 of the American Psychological Association. She was chosen based on her performance in academic and research settings. The Pipeline Scholar is for accomplished students and promising young scholars with a bright future in psychology. Way to go, Joy!